Camp Eagle Cap- 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser: April 27-28

SCC is partnering with Camp Eagle Cap to help promote their upcoming Golf Tournament Fundraiser in April.

What is Camp Eagle Cap?
Located in the Wallowa mountains of Eastern Oregon, Camp Eagle Cap is a faith-based organization offering a one week wilderness camp in the summer for at risk kids ages 10-12. Their vision is to touch the hearts of these kids giving them hope and strength before they get to middle school. For more information about CEC, please visit their website.

How can you help?
You can be apart of the upcoming Golf Tournament at Juniper Golf Course in Redmond. They are looking for sponsors, attendees, and volunteers to help run the tournament. All proceeds will go to benefit Camp Eagle Cap and provide local Central Oregon at risk youth a life changing camping trip in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Last year they raised over $21,000 for camp, which was two thirds of funds needed for both camps. 

Details for the Golf Tournament here.

Attendee and Sponsor information here.

Register your spot to play here.

Donate here.