
At Sisters Community Church, our goal is to connect with God, care for each other, and cultivate a supportive community. We have ministries for men, women, and children, as well as life groups, with this in mind.

Children’s Ministries

VBS 2024

VBS 2024

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
—Matthew 19:14

At SCC children's ministry, we want kids to understand that we will study, know, and love God's Word. We hope to lead children to follow Jesus, as He has paid the price for our sins and gives us life in Him. When we gather, it is our goal to love and serve one another through worship and other-centered activities. If you have questions about children’s ministries at SCC or would like to volunteer, please contact Karen Williams, Children’s Ministry Coordinator, at (or click the blue “Email Karen” button).

Men’s Ministries

“Greater love has no one than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
—John 15:13

Discipleship is critical for men’s ministry. We define discipleship as the intentional engagement to move men toward Jesus. We center this on living intentionally as Biblical Authentic Relational Men (BAR men). We encourage men to actively be part of a men's bible study or fellowship group. To get answers to your questions about men’s ministry at SCC, please email Ryan at

  • We are often asked, “Why do you keep calling your men's groups 'men’s fellowships’ instead of ‘bible studies’ like a normal church?”

    Well that’s a fair question! While the difference can be subtle, the Men’s Leadership Team wants to be intentional with our goal (BAR Men: Biblical Authentic Relational Men). A Bible Study infers that the group will learn the words of the Bible, become experts on where passages are located, and who said what. This is important in its own right, but is not a fellowship.

    A fellowship aims to capture the heart of both the Bible and the man, using the Bible's truths to create a forum to share life and create authentic relationships. A true fellowship allows men to encourage one another and allows God to strengthen us.

    We do this by reading the word of God, sharing life, praying for one another, sharing wisdom and experience, and holding each other accountable for our respective actions—in other words, discipleship in action.

Youth Ministries

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
—1 Timothy 4:12

The SCC Youth Ministry exists to intentionally and relationally proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ to students of all backgrounds and walks of life. In a world of isolation, we experience enriched community, drawing students closer together as they themselves draw closer to Jesus Christ. In a world of deconstruction, SCC Youth Ministry serves to help students with their questions, doubts, and struggles relating to God, the world, the Bible, and other situations in their lives that might arise. High School students and Middle School students are invited to experience a community filled with joy, peace, patience, and love. Click on the Youth Schedule button to see what groups are meeting when. For questions about youth ministry at SCC, or to volunteer, please contact Youth Pastor, Dustin Smith, at (or click the white “Email Dustin” button).

Women’s Ministries

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
—Proverbs 31:26

Women today long to connect with others and contribute to their families and communities in meaningful ways. SCC Women’s Ministry strives to create settings in which women in all seasons of life are able to cultivate relationships with other women and with God. Through gathering to study the Bible, pray about needs, or serve together, we apply God's truth for a woman's life. Jesus loved women and treated them with value and respect. Join us in opportunities for joy and growth that will overflow to your home, community, and beyond. If you’d like to connect over the phone, in a one-on-one coffee, or just chat over email, please reach out to our Women’s Ministry Leader, Esther Baker, at (or click the blue “Email Esther” button).

  • What's the difference between a bible study and a fellowship?

    Fellowships are opportunities to grow and mature your faith in Jesus Christ, alongside other women, through regular fellowship groups that read and study God’s Word or other books together in community. (Colossians 1:28) Fellowship groups are discipleship in action.

    A Bible Study is a group that will learn the words of the Bible, become experts on where passages are located, and who said what. This is important in its own right, but is not a fellowship.

Life Groups

“They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
—Acts 2:42

SCC Life Groups are an integral part of discipleship and life for believers. Life groups are where believers can be known and know each other through biblical fellowship. We encourage all of our groups to open the Word, read the Word, and talk about how it applies to our lives. To get connected to a Life Group, contact our Discipleship Pastor, Mark Seekins, at (or click the blue “Email Mark” button).

Community Care

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
—Galatians 6:2

At Sisters Community Church, we care for our community. The SCC Community Care Team represents our church-wide effort to provide benevolence to the people of our church and the wider Sisters community. We are passionate about meeting the practical needs of our neighbors including, but not limited to:

  • firewood delivery

  • snow removal

  • yard work

  • help with moving

  • meal delivery

  • prayer

If you are experiencing any of these needs, and you do not have the financial resources or physical ability to complete these tasks within your family, please fill out the following information and a member of our Community Care Team will connect with you.

Local & Global Partners

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
—Matthew 28:19

Sisters Community Church supports many local & global partners and counts several short-term missionaries among its members.

The 2024
Year in Review
is here.

Check it out!