Discipleship Pastor Affirmed
The Elders are excited to announce that the members of SCC have voted to affirm the hire of Mark Seekins as Pastor of Discipleship. Mark has accepted the position and will begin in his role on October 23. The position will be a full-time role and cover the responsibilities of creating and leading a multi-dimensional discipleship pathway unique to SCC, and to help all of us in our own discipleship journey in a way that honors Christ’s instruction in Matthew 28 to “go and make disciples of all nations.”
Mark’s initial responsibilities will be getting to know people within the church, building a leadership team, and fostering a Life Groups ministry where leaders are identified, trained, equipped, and encouraged to lead and disciple. And where people who want to develop in their own spiritual journey can find the right smaller groups where that happens in a healthy, encouraging, and loving way. We anticipate that, over time, Mark will work closely with ministry leaders of the church to assess, coach, and encourage leaders of those areas, to extend the discipleship training and pathway throughout their respective teams. Mark will also join the elder team upon his arrival to SCC.
Steve and Ryan, as our teaching pastors, are especially excited to have a pastoral partner with whom to continue to build on the foundation of baptizing, pastoring, and teaching disciples in our growing church body.
Thank you to each of you who have invested your time, energy, prayers, and discernment to the evaluation and inquiry process involved to bring Mark and Kristie here. We value each opinion and perspective that you have brought to the process. It is what makes us, and keeps us, a body.
Thanks in advance for welcoming Mark & Kristie to Sisters and to our family at SCC.