A Message from Our Elder Team: Elder Candidate Introductions August 4

The current elder team came together early in 2022 to seek God’s guidance for our churches. After we merged together in May of 2022, we then formally came together as one elder team. It’s now been 2+ years & we have (by God’s good graces) built a healthy and functional elder team. However, we also know that we cannot rest on what we’ve done, and we cannot continue to assume that all those in eldership will be able to serve for years to come with the same level of energy and commitment of the past 2.5 years. So, we are in the process of considering three new candidates for the SCC elder team. They are Wes Lawrence, Todd Veenhuis and Lou Blanchard.

While no one is leaving our current team, we do know that over the next year or two that is a possibility. We also know that it is much smarter to add capable leaders to an effective team than to be in a position of having to add new elders because of attrition of former team members.

The elders have met with each of these candidates. We have also arranged formal interviews with two small teams of SCC members to interview these candidates in early August.

In addition, we have set aside time after church on August 4th in the Fireside room after worship service (from 11am-12pm) for anyone in the congregation who would like to meet and hear from each of these candidates about their spiritual journey, their background, and their calling to eldership. You will also be able to learn more about the timing and selection process for these elder candidates. 

Thank you for your prayerful and faithful support of the elder team,

Brian Harris (elder chair), Steve Stratos, Ryan Moffat,
Mark Seekins, Jeff Sanders, Dean Hodges,
Bruce Carpenter, Jonathan Martin, Rob Keranen (staff)