Confidence In Our Creator: Was the Universe Designed? Confessions of a Practicing Scientist
Have you ever wondered how, or even if, science and the Bible can come together? Come and join in the discussion with Steve Stratos and guest speaker, Scott Chambers, on Sunday, April 7, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room. This is sure to be an engaging conversation between the scientific and the biblical!
Excerpt from Scott Chambers:
One of the greatest ironies of our day has to do with our view of the universe and our place in it. On one hand, there has never been a stronger perception that science has done away with “the God myth”. Yet, on the other hand, our accumulated knowledge of how the universe works has never pointed more strongly to there being a Master Designer and Creator. In these presentations, we will explore some of the inner workings of the universe at several length scales, ranging from the very small (atoms, molecules, and nuclei) to the very large (the cosmos itself), and including our planet and some biological organisms, including the human body. We will also present and illustrate an objective test to detect design. We will also look into the Scriptures to see what they say about the Creator, His attributes and His purposes in creation. A key application is that despite all the difficult circumstances in our world, He has the universe under control, from beginning to end. The evening presentation will include a mix of science and Scripture and will be more oriented toward believers. The goal is to encourage God’s people to trust Him with every aspect of their lives, since He has shown Himself to be all powerful and all wise as our Creator. The evening presentation will be almost all science and will present “origins science” as a critically important topic in Christian apologetics.