Women’s Ministry: Expressions of Gratitude: Card-Making Event

Women and children 3rd grade and up are invited to join SCC Women’s Ministry for a card-making event, Friday, November 15th, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room at Sisters Community Church. They will be designing “Expressions of Gratitude” to create and take home for the holiday season. Enjoy some light snacks right while you work with your hands and reflect on all that there is to be grateful for. 

Childcare provided for those who indicate upon registration. Registration is required for this event, and space is limited and closes 11/13, so please register early! Register online here. Children attending must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This event is open to the community. 

Cost is just $5 per individual, or $10 per family (3 or more).
For questions, please contact Women’s Ministry Leader, Esther, ebaker@sisterschurch.com.