GET STRONG Meet & Greet

On Thursday, September 5, from 5-8 p.m. at The Hangar, come & meet the founders, Todd Cox & Scott Batson from TN, of the GET STRONG program. While this is hosted by the Men’s Ministry, this fellowship program is designed for both men & women. BBQ starts at 5 p.m., with a discussion to learn more about the program to follow until 8. Please RSVP for a headcount & for more details. Contact Ryan Hudson for questions, 541-699-7800.


GET STRONG Discipleship is a program designed to help you grow spiritually and help you leverage your influence for God’s Kingdom. It is a process that will challenge and stretch you to Get Strong spiritually. Groups consist of 4-6 people (men with men, and women with women) who meet weekly for 10 months. New programs in Sisters coming after October 1.

GET STRONG MISSION: We exist for the specific purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 4:8 says, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits of this life and in the life to come.” (NLT)