Update from Ghana

We are praising God for the generosity of Sisters Community Church to help our partners, Calvary and Abigail, of Charis Zoe Ministries in Accra, Ghana in the construction of new buildings for their low-fee school. SCC raised $23,000 to help complete classrooms and bathrooms for this Christian school, which benefits 180 children in this deprived community. As with the rest of the world, inflation has risen 50%, making basic foods such as rice and oil difficult to buy for most families. This means that many families have to make a choice between school fees and food in this struggling community. Calvary and Abigail feel the pressure to feed the children two meals a day, which amounts to $0.25 per child per day, to ensure the children are able to eat. This has become increasingly difficult to do when they have so many other expenses such as teacher salaries and government requirements. Would you pray for our friends in Ghana and consider a one-time donation to help with food and teacher salaries? We thank you for all you have done to help this ministry, which is passionate about sharing the gospel with the poor and hurting in Accra, Ghana. Click here to donate to this ministry. Please choose “Missions Fund” from the drop-down menu and note “Ghana” in the memo field.