Pumpkin Patch Day for Collide

Collide Middle Schoolers are invited to a Pumpkin Patch Day at Smith Rock Ranch in Terrebonne, Sunday, October 27 during the worship service. Cost: $12 (includes transportation and maize ticket). Please bring extra money for food & additional games. Parents, please fill out the permission slip included in the registration. Registration & signed permission slips are required to attend. Click here to register now. Students will leave from SCC after worship dismissal at the 9:30 service, and return to SCC between 1 & 2 p.m. for pick up (students will contact their parents when they are on their way home). Please be sure to wear weather-appropriate clothing as this event is held outside!

Day of: There will be an opportunity to sign permission slips day-of for any last-minute stragglers, as space allows. Check in with Dustin! Students not attending the pumpkin patch will stay in Big Church for the service.

Questions? Please contact Youth Pastor Dustin, dsmith@sisterschurch.com.