Vacation Bible School- Registration is Open

VBS Registration for participants is now open! VBS will be held from June 24-28 here at SCC, and is open to the Sisters community at-large.

  • The morning session will run from 9 a.m. to Noon each day, and are for children only, Pre-K through 5th grade (going into or just graduated is OK). Please note: All Pre-K students must be potty-trained. Nursery care is available for babies of adult volunteers. Online registration for the 9 a.m. session for kids only is here.

  • The evening session has been canceled due to lack of signups. The VBS Team would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to all of the volunteers for the evening VBS session.

Email Cindy Vice,, if you have any questions, or are looking for any open volunteer opportunities.