Year of Biblical Literacy

SCC has embarked on a new sermon series for 2025- Year of Biblical Literacy: The Pursuing God, or “YBL” for short. Not only will the church work through the Old & New Testament on Sunday mornings together, but is a weekly YBL email on Mondays with additional readings, podcasts, and video clips. Printed reading guides are available at the Welcome Center.

Not sure if you are on the SCC eNews list, or want to just be added to the YBL email list? Click here to e-mail our Ministry Coordinator, Mikee, and she will add you to the list. YBL emails are sent on Mondays at 5 a.m., and will only include: weekly readings, additional resources, and devotionals written by our Pastoral Staff. You can join at any point in the year.

If you already receive the weekly SCC eNews (sent on Fridays), great! Follow the three steps below to add yourself to the YBL email list.

How to Update Your Preferences

  • Do you already receive the SCC weekly eNews? Great! Scroll to the bottom of the most recent eNews you received. Choose “update your preferences” (circled in red in the image).

  • This screen will come up. Go to your email inbox that you use for the SCC weekly eNews, and click on the e-mail from Sisters Community Church. Subject: SCC Church 2.0: Update Profile. Choose Update Preferences.

  • This screen will come up. Verify the information shown in #1, 2, & 3. Check #4 for YBL info if you would like to receive the weekly YBL email. Make sure #5 is checked for the weekly SCC eNews. (#6 is for our Middle School & High School parents/guardians/adult leaders & students. #7 is for our Life Group Leaders only.)